Applications can be collected from the office or to download below.
Once your enrolment application is processed, you will be invited to attend an interview with the Principal or an
Executive Staff member where a tour of the school facilities can also be undertaken.
  The following documentation is required for your application to be processed:-

  • Birth Certificate
  • Baptism Certificate (if applicable)
  • Immunisation Certificate
  • Passport, visa, citizenship documentation (if applicable)
  • Current Family Court Orders (if applicable)
  • Relevant medical and/or special needs information (if applicable)
  • Parish Priest Reference Form (if applicable)
  • Reports of assessments your child has received for speech, hearing, cognitive (IQ), occupational therapy (if applicable)
  • Last 2 school reports (If Applicable)
  • Student-acceptable use of Technology (Signed back page )


To be considered for enrolment into Kindergarten, the two Parish Schools stipulate that children are to turn
5 years of age by 30th June of their first year at school.
When determining if your child is ready for school please consider the checklist attached.
Although 30th June is the cut-off date, a child who turns five in the month of June can be up to almost a
year younger than other children starting school at the same time. Parents need to consider the possible social
and academic ramifications of this, not only in Primary School but also in the Secondary and Tertiary years.
Please consider all factors if you have a child not turning five years of age until June
of his/her first year of school.

Enrolment Application Form

Enrolling at St Mary's Catholic School

Uniform requirements booklet

Parent Handbook


School Fee Agreement


Photo Permission

Seesaw (Kindy 1 & 2)

Technology Agreement